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Coaches and Instructors

A number of LEGS members are qualified coaches and instructors and offer their services to support fellow members. If you are in need of coaching and/or instructions, feel free to contact the persons listed for more information.

Sharyn Ross

EA NCAS Level 1 General Coach and SSTA

Located at Plainland

Will travel

Ph.: 0419 497 458





Tracy Rathjen

Level 1 General Coach

B Level Dressage Judge/Mentor

Located at Ironbark/Blacksoil Area

Ph.: 0418 724 618

Vivienne Lander

Level 2 General EA NCAS Instructor. Coach Educator (able to sign off Intro and Level One Candidates)

Located at Summerholm 4341

1 Gehrke Hill Rd

Ph.: 0417 521 345



Wendy Palmer

Cowboy dressage

ph: 0428 621 744



Margaret Drew

EA L1D (Dressage up to and including Elementary)

L1NJ (including poles and grids, and showhorse)

Located at Tallegalla, between Rosewood and Marburg

ph.: 5464 4692 (ah please)

or leave message on Facebook: Saraid Sporthorses


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